EC Developmental Concerns
What is a developmental delay?
A developmental delay is seen when a child’s rate of growth and learning is different from that of most children the same age.
A developmental delay may be in one of the following areas:
- Thinking
- Talking
- Hearing
- Seeing
- Moving
- Taking care of basic needs
- Responding to others
Child is birth to 3 years-old: Early On® Oakland 866.456.2084
Child is 3 to 5 years-old: Contact our Child Find Coordinator [email protected]
The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
ECSE is a preschool program for children ages three to six with an identified delay. Classes are held Monday through Thursday 8:45 AM-11:45 AM OR 12:45-3:45 at Addams Early Childhood Center. Transportation may be provided.
Early Intervention/Early On®
Children birth to 3 years-old with developmental delays are typically serviced in their home or a natural environment such as a park. Your Service Coordinator will help you think about the changes you would like to see for your child. Services and supports are coordinated through an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). An IFSP is your family's plan of action.